My Favourite Instagram Hashtags #1

My Favourite Instagram Hashtags #1

Like most people I kind of have a love hate relationship with Instagram. At the moment I mostly hate it but the one thing I’m loving right now are hashtags. Not just your generic ones that have too many posts to follow along but the ones that are slowly added too. These hashtags I’m talking about are created by bloggers and creatives to make more of a community on Instagram. They are for people who really believe in the hashtag’s message and only tag relevant images with it.

I’ve slowly been taking part in more of these hashtags over the past few months as more and more bloggers start to create their own and I’m loving how much inspiration it’s giving me.

My Favourite Instagram Hashtags

#reallifeandstyle by Vix Meldrew

Vix created this hashtag a while back now and I’ve been following along since the beginning. It is a hashtag I don’t tend to use unless I’m actually in the photo myself as it’s more about style but I really enjoy following the hashtag, seeing her share her favourites and getting inspired by the images I do see. I’ve seen a lot of people on Twitter talking about how they want to see photos without models on Instagram, the photos on this hashtag are all ‘real life’!

#findingthejoyineveryday by Sophie Cliff

Sophie started this hashtag back in January, except it was called #findingthejoyinjanuary. She loved the project so much that she changed the hashtag to everyday and continued it. This hashtag is one where the pictures tend to be simple, lots of negative space and often flat lays – a dream to look at really. However, the most important part and way to engage the most with it is through a chatty caption telling your followers what it is your loving that day/week.

#theuncoolclub by Rhianna Olivia

Rhianna not only created this hashtag she also created a newsletter to go with it. It’s all about sharing real life imagery and real life problems in the captions. The hashtag is full of such a range of images and is always fun to look at. It’s a hashtag I tend to use on any image as I’m always trying to share my ‘real life’ be it through an image or caption. Rhianna has done a great job of really creating a community with this hashtag.

#slowsundayclub by Allie & Sophie

Much like the uncool club, the slow sunday club is a community with a newsletter and hashtag. The idea behind it is slow, cosy, interesting and thought-provoking content, this is both for the newsletter and hashtag. I have especially loved following this hashtag through winter where it had real hygge vibes. Now that spring has come I’m loving the amount of flowers and blossom this hashtag is showing me. Again the caption is just as important as the image with this hashtag.

#curateyourownfeed by Abi Richards

This hashtag by Abi is relatively new and it is all about posting images you want to post even if they aren’t ‘Instagram perfect’ or don’t fit the theme on your grid. Due to this approach the hashtag is already full of quirky images and lots of bright colours, which I of course love.

#girlsvsglobe by Sabina

This is a pretty ‘old’ hashtag compared to most of the above as I’ve been using it before 2018. Sabina the girl behind the blog Girl Vs Globe decided to take her name and change it into it’s own travel community which is of course used by girls. I’ve been following this hashtag for a long time and love how packed full of travel images and inspiration it is. This hashtag is more about the photo than the caption.

And of course I can’t share all these awesome hashtags without giving my own a shameless plug…

#thisweekendiam by me

This is a hashtag for sharing your weekend plans, what you do at the weekend and then reminiscing on the weekend. The idea of this hashtag as I explained in this post is to inspire people to make the most of their weekends. To find adventure on their doorstep or inspire them to get in the car and take a drive. This hashtag is both about the photo and caption.

Which hashtags are your favourite?


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