London Marathon Training Month 1

London Marathon Training Month 1

As you guys may or may not be aware by now I am running the London Marathon on the 24th of April 2016. When I tell people this, they look at me with that ‘are you crazy look’, I may be crazy but the London Marathon has been high on my ‘things to do in life’ list for a few years now. Back in 2014 I ran the 10km Race for Life in Glasgow and actually really enjoyed it but then I have always been a runner. I just find life gets in the way of actually running frequently. With the marathon looming in 90 or so days time, I have to stop life getting in the way and get running.

marathon training

Month 1 of London Marathon Training

My training got a huge kick start when I began running during my trip to Rio de Janeiro. There is something about that city, their outdoors way of life, attitude to fitness and the weather that just makes it so easy to want to get up and out. Not to mention that wherever you are the views are gorgeous and no run could ever be boring. During my time there I ran a total of 48.5km, this included short 5km runs by the lagoa, longer 9km runs along Copacabana beach and even a beach run along Ipanema. I was doing great and slowly building a routine.

Then I came back to England.

The temperature felt freezing and suddenly my motivation for running outside was lost. I figured that was okay because I could just run in the uni gym, after all I had purchased a membership in October when it was on offer. Problem is, it is hard running on the treadmill. Like physically more painful on your ankles, feet and knees but also boring. Running 5km on the treadmill felt more like running 10km. I really wasn’t making any progress…. to begin with.

Luckily after two weeks back to the gym I have began to make progress and run further than 5km at a time. Through a combination of creating playlists, doing Portuguese Pimsleur while running and getting some new running gear I have found my motivation again.

New Trainers!

New Trainers!

Stats this month

The furthest I ran was 15km in 84 minutes. 

In total I ran 92km over 17 runs. 


My Asics

I have been using the My Asics app to help create a running plan and give me a starting point for my training. It was recommended by a friend who ran the marathon a few years ago. So far I am liking it, the app is clear and easy to use (even if it does have a tendency to change back to Miles every time I close the app, I prefer to work in kms), the training program is a brilliant starting point and allows you to manually enter each run into it. However, I dislike that you cannot over-ride a run day with a rest even if you have run on a previous rest day. At the moment this app is perfect for a starting point but I will need to look into more training programs than just this app.

Map my Run

I have been using this app to track my stats on all outdoor runs. There are many apps out there for tracking runs and I have previously used the Fit Bit app and the Nike app. However, I love the fact this app gives you a map of where you have run – I love that my profile has Brazil, the New Forest and shortly London will be added. Seeing the countries I’ve run in mount up is a real motivation for me. It also helps to remind me what routes are equal to what distances. In terms of stats while you are running, this app only gives you a lowdown at the end of every km – from what I can remember the Nike app does every 1/2 km.

Top running songs this month

The title says it all really but this gets me through any tough points in my run.

Beyonce – Runnin’

Another great motivational song is this one, again I can pop it on and my speed will always increase.

Rachel Platten – Fight song

Charity Talk

Although I secured a ballot place in the London Marathon I decided I wanted to support a charity as well. After much indecisiveness I have chosen to run for Cancer Research, they are a charity close to my heart and I have generally always ran for them so why change a habit? I should receive my sponsorship pack in the post this week and can get planning some activities but until then I have set up a Just Giving page.

Post workout selfie

Post workout selfie

Training Tips

I found this article super helpful –> How to run a sub-4 hour marathon by The Well Travelled Postcard

Do you have any marathon training programs to share? Any great running songs? Or just general advice for someone running the London Marathon?

Jodie Signature


  1. 26th January 2016 / 11:38 am

    Good luck! I’m no runner and the couple of 10kms runs I’ve done were plenty long enough, but my sister did the London Marathon last year. She did well until the last few miles and said she really hit a wall and it became just as much of a mental battle to keep going as a physical one, so I think music and other distractions become really useful then. Also booking a massage for a few days later was a good plan. She did say never again but then put in for the ballot this year (and didn’t get in) so there must be something addictive about it!

    • Jodie Louise
      28th January 2016 / 8:45 pm

      Thanks Lucy, I am definitely preparing myself for a mental battle as well as a physical one!

  2. jennifer jackson
    26th January 2016 / 5:41 pm

    Love the top jodie. I am training too. Are you doing any strength or core work? Like pilates etc? Xx

    • Jodie Louise
      28th January 2016 / 8:46 pm

      Hi Jennifer, good luck with your training! I have been doing yoga as well but I think I will be trying out more classes this month. Have you been doing classes too?

  3. 27th January 2016 / 1:36 pm

    I literally have NO advice to give you (mainly because I get exhausted just walking to the fridge from the sitting room)…but I came here to send you OODLES of love and cheer — I have every faith in you that you can do this! xx

    • Jodie Louise
      28th January 2016 / 8:47 pm

      Thanks lovely! And thanks so much for donating 🙂

  4. 16th May 2016 / 10:09 am

    Good luck! I’m no runner and the couple of 10kms runs I’ve done were plenty long enough, but my sister did the London Marathon last year. She did well until the last few miles and said she really hit a wall and it became just as much of a mental battle to keep going as a physical one, so I think music and other distractions become really useful then.

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