What Not To Do When You Have Itchy Feet

What Not To Do When You Have Itchy Feet

You could say I’ve been suffering with extremely itchy feet for a while now but that would be putting it lightly. I have taken a total of three weekend trips out of London since the beginning of the year, that isn’t many for someone who cannot stay still. For someone who by this point last year had flown home to the UK (three times), been to Australia for 10 days and taken a 10 day road trip around Scotland. And that is exactly one of the problems I keep comparing this year to last because well, last year was pretty awesome in travel terms. This year there are many reasons while travel has gotten off to a slow start but the lack of money from being a student is probably the biggest issue. As well as all of those essays and projects I need to be working on and handing in as a student.

Travel is coming for me, as I mentioned a few weeks ago I have not one but two trips booked for this year now. The problem is the first one isn’t until May, that feels like an eternity away…. So I’ve found myself doing lots of things I shouldn’t be doing to try and help my wanderlust because all I’ve achieved is making it worse.

If you too are currently suffering from extremely itchy feet, here is what you shouldn’t do….

I just miss looking tanned...

I just miss looking tanned…

Don’t check travel websites and offers daily

I’m a sucker for this, I will find myself on Skyscanner, Canopy and Stars, Airbnb etc. just looking. Checking out where I can go and where I can stay, this ranges from looking at staycations in the UK to far off destinations. I will often let myself go all the way through to the booking page, just to double check there are no hidden fees. I would be much better off if I just stayed away from travel websites and ignored the offers.

Instead only look at these sites when you have money and dates for actually booking something.

I'm constantly dreaming of beach swings and the salty ocean.

I’m constantly dreaming of beach swings and the salty ocean.

Don’t begin planning trips which you don’t have the money to book

This always starts with the above point, I’ll casually look at where I can fly to from London for under £100. Then before I know it I’ve found where I want to stay, matched my dates up and read a handful of blogs on the destination. I should also mention that I always end up doing this instead of the university work I should be doing. And that I continue to do it even when I actually have TWO trips already booked.

I should instead plan and research the trips I actually have booked and not torture myself so much.

If only I could tick such big bucket list items daily.

If only I could tick such big bucket list items daily.

Don’t look through photos from previous travel trips or photos of people currently travelling

I don’t know which one I’m more guilty of doing, maybe the latter purely because of social media but I definitely do both. I mean don’t get me wrong it is good to look back and see how much I’ve achieved but when that looking back involves being insanely jealous that isn’t my life 24/7. It probably isn’t such a good idea. I know how hard it is to avoid social media updates from fellow bloggers and friends but when your feet are as itchy as mine I suggest skipping past their updates.

Instead you should be looking at images for your coming trips and getting excited about what you are actually going to see and do this year.

I wish I was constantly enjoying island life in the sun.

I wish I was constantly enjoying island life in the sun.

Don’t compare how much you have travelled this year to last year

Unless you are in exactly the same situation as last year then comparing is silly. I couldn’t afford to do everything I did last year because of being a student now. I will never fly as much as I did last year because I can drive home to my parents from London whereas I couldn’t so easily from Glasgow. For whatever reason life isn’t exactly the same as last year and I need to realise that when comparing things.

Instead of looking back, I should be looking forward at all the ways life is awesome this year and what I can do to improve it.

Are you suffering from itchy feet? What do you find yourself doing that you shouldn’t?


  1. 27th March 2015 / 11:29 am

    I think I always suffer from itchy feet no matter how many holidays I have planned! We only got back from Cuba a couple of weeks ago and we still have 4 other trips planned this year but I’m the same as you – constantly checking airline and travel websites for deals. It’s an addiction! And being a blogger makes it so hard not to get wanderlust from all the other bloggers. It’s like a constant stream of fabulous places and photos being thrown in our faces. Just try and make the most of it with some cheap short getaways a bit closer to home.

    Love the pic of you in the plunge pool!

    • Jodie Louise
      31st March 2015 / 9:16 am

      Ayla, it really is an addiction. I really need to get better at being a tourist in London and the UK!

  2. 27th March 2015 / 3:13 pm

    what are my itchy feet doing that I shouldn’t? Reading your blog of course!! 🙂 I am constantly dreaming, planning, hoping for my next trip to Scotland.

  3. 30th March 2015 / 3:51 pm

    Im really badly comparing this year to last year. I went on 9 trips while holding down a full time job, and this year i’ve been out of the country once. Its enough, but it feels so little! We want to book our honeymoon in Vietnam later in the year. so trying to be a bit more economical and not scan all the holiday websites!

    • Jodie Louise
      31st March 2015 / 9:15 am

      I know Laura, it is so hard when you want to book an amazing trip for later in the year but you know you have to wait and save until that point. I’m sure it will be worth it in the end 🙂

  4. 31st March 2015 / 3:29 pm

    Glad to hear it isn’t just me who does this, it must be the wanderlust curse! I remember when I got back from my RTW trip and kept thinking “this time last year I was here…” – it was so annoying! Sounds like you’ve got lots of nice things to look forward to though 🙂

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