As you may have noticed last month I ditched the monthly round up posts for 2015. January was such a busy month I didn’t have time to bring in my replacement but February has been much quieter and allowed me to do so. These posts will be a bit like this one, where I round up things that I’ve found inspiring.
In these monthly love posts you will find a bunch of links, pictures and general loves of mine from the past month. It may be my favourite trip I took or just some beautiful pictures or inspiring blog posts I’ve been reading.
This month is slightly overboard because I spent a week or so catching up will all my favourite blogs and finding new ones after I finished placement. You will find all of these blog loves separated into categories to make it a bit easier to handle.
10 ways to be a tourist in your own city – A Little Opulent
The French art of reclaiming spaces Flora the Explorer
Neuschwanstein Castle Twins That Travel
24 hours in Lisbon Backpack Me
Volunteering abroad on the cheap The Broke Backpacker
7 unique experiences to have in Iceland Hand Luggage Only
15 Unique places to travel in 2015 Leave Your Daily Hell
Day Two in Iceland and the Northern Lights Nishaantisuh
Lost in amazement at the neon relics of Las Vegas
Making time for a passion A Rosie Outlook
How to make a vision board Career Girl Daily
The goodbye letter Reclaiming Your Future
To return to normal life or not Getting Stamped
Why I didn’t quit my job to travel Dangerous Business
Social Media Check List for bloggers Vicky Flipflop
These posts won’t help you get 100,000 views Living The Dream RTW
12 Tools for travel bloggers The Over Seas Escape
Why I’ll never be a professional travel blogger Escape Artist