Claiming your tax back in Australia – Q and A with the experts at Pinkcow

Claiming your tax back in Australia – Q and A with the experts at Pinkcow

It’s that time of year again, claim your backpacker tax back with Pinkcow

It was this time last year I was preparing to leave Australia and carry on my travels after four months of living and working in Melbourne. As I prepared to leave, one of the things I had to get sorted was my tax. I hadn’t worked for four months (on the wrong tax code) to lose all that money! Getting your tax back can feel like a daunting task and in my memory involves a ton of paperwork. Not knowing which company to go with at first, then you choose one but they charge a fortune to do the tax return for you… I mean, it’s bad enough that you lose a percentage of your return anyway.

So this month I have teamed up with Pinkcow to bring you all the answers to those important questions and to introduce you to a paperless tax back service – yes, I said PAPERLESS.

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Pinkcow is run by two qualified accountants who used to be travellers like you and I. They understand that we want every penny possible for our travels and know the importance of making the tax return quick and hassle free, which is why the whole thing can be done from your mobile device. There is one form and it will take you as little as 10 minutes to get your refund started! They cater for all nationalities too with translations to six languages.

Q and A with Pinkcow

Who can claim tax back if they have worked in Australia?

Anyone who is employed on a working holiday visa may be eligible for a tax claim. It does depend on how much they have earned compared to how much tax you have paid over the tax year. If you are not on a working holiday visa and are not sure of your status, give us an email at and we will provide guidance.

When does the tax year run and when should I claim my tax?

The tax year runs from the 1st of July to the 30th of June the following year. You can claim any time after the end of the tax year when you have all relevant documentation to make the claim. So now would be a perfect time to claim!

What do I need to provide to claim my tax back?

You will need to provide the following: end of year earning statement and pay slips as well as any receipts for tax deductible expenses.

If I have worked for several different companies, do I have to submit a claim for each company?

Only one claim is required – you can easily add more than one employer on our form.

How much of my tax will I receive?

This is case by case for each person- to get an estimate please use the tax calculator located on the homepage. The average tax refund is $2,500 – just think how much travelling you could do with that amount!

Is there a fee for claiming my tax back?

Prices start from as little as $39, which is fully refundable if you do not receive a tax rebate.

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Can I claim my super back with Pinkcow?

Yes, we offer a competitive rate at $149 per a fund. You can also do this using the form online and the money will be paid directly into your bank account.

Why should I choose Pinkcow?

You should choose because we are a cost effective, 100% paperless service – you could do your return in 10 minutes from your mobile device ! Ease of use and great customer service is at the heart of everything we do – and if you don’t get a refund, we will reimburse the fee. It’s a win win for our customers really…

Not only that but their latest reviews have been fantastic. In Clara’s words: “The application was super easy and fast. The team sent me regular updates and even called me outside the Australian office hours – with them it must have been after 22 o’clock. All in all a great service and an effective one at that!… This is still cheaper than e.g. – there I would have to pay at least A $ 340.” (Read more here). Furthermore you can see many equally awesome reviews over on their Facebook page.

Find Pinkcow on Facebook and Twitter

Disclaimer – This is a sponsored post; however all opinions are my own and I wouldn’t recommend a company I wouldn’t personally use. 

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