If I thought May passed in a blur then I barely saw June, this month has just rushed by faster than I ever imagined. It feels like just last week I flew home to photograph a wedding yet here we are at the end of the month and the school holidays all ready upon us. We have just two months left in Glasgow, that is crazy – I remember being scared about the 10 months I would live here for yet it doesn’t feel like we have lived here for eight already.
I was hoping to bring you an announcement of where I would be travelling in September after finding an amazing flight deal to Seattle (where I have friends I’m desperate to visit) but when I went to book the following day the price had doubled and since then I’ve found nothing close to that amazing deal. I did however book some other flights for later this year but unless you’ve figured out where from my instagram/twitter, I’m keeping that secret for a few more weeks yet.
Most Popular Blogs Published This Month
Top tips for being a USA camp counsellor this summer: Feeling green with envy of everyone heading off to Camp America this summer I decided to put my envy to good use and create a useful blog for all those people. This post ended up being shared with my summer camp from years ago as well as Camp America making it not only the most viewed post this month but also one of the most viewed ever.
My top 6 tall buildings around the world: Although I posted this in May it was in the last few days of the month and the traffic that saw this blog become one of the most popular of the month, happened in June. In this post I talk all about my favourite tall buildings I have visited around the world and trust me there are several! When visiting a new city I find getting up high to be a great way of getting a perspective of the city especially if you can’t see the whole place on the ground.
My Month In Numbers Infographic
Highlight(s) Of The Month
I bought a Macbook. I have always wanted one but never understood why I would spend £1000 on a laptop when I could get one for £300, turns out you have to replace that £300 laptop every few years… So after playing on the boyfriends mac for the last few months and then falling in love with iMovie last month I decided a mac was the way forward. It will be a good investment for university too. I’m loving everything about it so far but know I have so much more to understand before I can fully appreciate it. Any tips, then leave them in the comments.
Roadtrippin’ around Scotland, this is one of my favourite things to do and on the last Sunday of the month with perfect weather there was no excuse for not going exploring. We loaded ourselves, cameras and a picnic in my car and set off with no real plan. We has thought we would get all the way to Campbeltown but we didn’t really leave early enough for that so instead we drove out to Lochgilphead through the Argyll Forest and Inverary. It was the perfect day, perfect drive and we had plenty of time for stopping and taking in the landscape. This was also the first time I got to show my brother around Scotland who recently moved in with us.
My entry to the Guardian photo competition for June got shortlisted and although I didn’t win, my photo is right at the top of the page!
Other highlights of the month include photographing a wedding and LOVING it so much I’m setting up a new project, climbing Ben A’an and bagging a ticket for the Commonwealth Opening Ceremony.
Lowlight Of The Month
MY HARD DRIVE BROKE – this is most of the reason for the purchase of said mac I was talking about above. My month has been computer trouble after computer trouble which has ended with me losing photos from at least four weeks of travelling in New Zealand, Thailand and Cambodia. For anyone like me paranoid and snap happy you will understand how soul destroying losing your photos is. Still my own fault and a huge lesson learnt about making sure ALL my photos are backed up! Again if any tech genius can help me with my WD Passport that would be amazing.
This month has also sucked in terms of working far too many hours and not having time to enjoy my weekend/days off because I’m too tired. I have barely had time to work on my blog let alone all the creative ideas I have building up in my head. I forgot what it was like to be this busy and I’m genuinely wondering how I managed to work so many hours back in 2011 before camp.
Favourite Photo
Blogs Posts I’ve Loved This Month
25 Things that will happen on your Africa overland tour – Helen In Wonderlust – This post just made me laugh, want to go on an overland tour, again (this happens every time I read one of Helen’s Africa posts) and reminisce about the time I spent in South Africa. It really is an amazing country/continent and I cannot wait to spend more time there, I just hope I get to do that sooner rather than later.
Vietnamese Baby – This Battered Suitcase – I seem to have a thing for honest posts at the moment after having Flora’s post as a favourite last month but this post just blew me away. I honestly didn’t think it was going to end like it did, and from the opening sentence I was living this story right through Brenna. I think it is so brave and honest to write something like this a put it out there for everyone to see. There needs to be more blogs like this one.
Exploring the Italian ghost town of Craco – Backpacks and Bunkbeds – Everything about this little ghost town in Italy had me hooked. The way Neil describes the history and his experience gives you a great overview. Then as if his words aren’t enough to make me want to go, the pictures start rolling and rolling. My what an amazing place and amazing pictures! Neil also fills the post with enough information for me to figure out a trip here myself.
Coming Next Month
The Commonwealth Games officially start on the 23rd July and I now have a ticket for the opening ceremony as well as athletics and badminton. There are several free events like the marathon and a live site like in London – so many things to get involved with. After spending the summer of 2012 soaking up the Olympic atmosphere I’m very excited for this summer in Glasgow. Look out for announcements of my coming travels, my new project and more travelling around Scotland.
Congrats on being shortlisted for your photo! That’s such an accomplishment! I’m gutted for you about your hard drive! I lost mine a few years ago and it still breaks my heart!