Travel Statistics Month 6

Travel Statistics Month 6

12th March to 11th April

Flights Taken: 0

Trains Taken: 0

Buses Taken: 0

Photo’s Taken: 526

Amount Spent Overall: $1413 AUD – This month included a month’s rent for our new flat (plus I also had to put down a bond of $1516)!

Amount Spent Per a Day: $45.60

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Compared to the excitement of leaving Waikerie, spending a week in Adelaide and driving the Great Ocean Road  last month this month has been a bit boring in terms of travel as we have spent the entire month in Melbourne. However it has been a great month for settling in to Melbourne life.

Before I get in to that I spent the first weekend of this month at the Formula One Australian Grand Prix. This is the first grand prix I have ever been to and it was such a blast. Despite the rain and cold which was very unwelcome it was fantastic being in the crowd and hearing the full roar of an F1 car.

Our room in the new apartment.

Our room in the new apartment.

We moved in to our apartment on March 21st a month after we left Waikerie and orange picking. This month has been mostly packed with working and building friendships with the girls and guys I work with. I have also been able to hang out with friends from the MRQ as well as meet up with Fran from TLB.

After last time I was in Melbourne I was nervous to come back to the city and apprehensive of if I was going to ever feel at home in this huge city. Having such a successful first week in the city last month I wasn’t sure everything could continue to be so positive but it really has. I have had time to explore a few of Melbourne’s lane ways but plenty still to go over the next few months. Spend time in the south bank and south wharf area which are tuning in to two of my favourite areas of the city. I’m just happy to be getting along with this city and love being able to explore all the cool places of this city.

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My Favourite Moment This Month?
The whole month has really been on the same par – working, building friendships, hanging out with friends and settling in to the apartment but I think my favourite moment has to be the F1. Melbourne is an iconic race in the F1 calendar as it marks the start of the season for another year and for anyone in Europe it also means a ridiculously early start just to catch the action. As a travel lover, every year I watch this race and lust over how beautiful the city looks with its flaming pillars on the river and the oh-so-famous Great Ocean Road which appears in every build up. This race is not only iconic to F1 fans but also to Melbournians as for one week of the year Albert Park gets taken over by F1 and turned into a race track for everyone to feast their eyes upon.  Read more of my blog about the F1.


The Worst Part?
I’m not really sure there is a worst part to this month so many good things have happened. I guess if I had to choose it would be how much baggage comes with working where I do. Back when we were fruit picking it felt like we were all in the same boat and it wasn’t a competition of who was the best but it certainly feels like it is at my bar.

What’s Next?
The next month is really much the same as last month. Work, play and fun in Melbourne – the next stop Is New Zealand and Asia in Aug/Sept and we really need to save the pennies so that we can really enjoy our stops there and not have to say no to anything. I also have my birthday coming up this week as well as my boyfriend’s birthday at the beginning of May so we have plenty of excuses for partying.

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