Finally Learning To Surf – With Lazy Lizard

Finally Learning To Surf – With Lazy Lizard

Since we were in Bondi three weeks ago I have been saying I will have a surf lesson but each time I look at the price I keep putting it off! Even in Byron the surf capital with the best surf schools and where I said I wanted to have my first lesson – I still said not this time. Sometimes this was due to the price, other times we just didn’t book quick enough and part of me was a little scared. But in Agnes Water after hearing it would be my last change to surf on the east coast and seeing the price was $22 for 4 hours, I couldn’t say no any longer.

So at 10 am we were picked up from our hostel by our instructor, Scott and along with the rest of the group driven to his choice of beach for the best surf that day. The Lazy Lizard Company has the choice of 3 different beaches allowing them to choose which will have the best surf that day. After grabbing a wetsuit and board we headed down to the sea.

We had brief safety talk explaining the dangers of surfing but also the dangers of the current surf conditions. After that the Scott allocated us boards to suit our size and we practised the technique in the sand. He taught one method which was straight to feet – talking to him later I learnt that some schools will teach you three standing techniques but this mostly just confused people and they end up doing them wrong.

After several goes on the sand and learning which way we stand with our feet we strapped up and headed for the waves. The first go I couldn’t even get myself out to the waves, the tide was coming in and the waves were ‘like a washing machine’ with a lot of power. I ended up swallowing half the sea and getting nowhere. After one turn of the guy pulling me out and pushing me in I gave up. When I caught the wave I couldn’t even stand up because my arm muscles were so tired.

After watching people for a while I decided I might like to try again – Scott has also said the waves would calm down soon as the tide would start to go out. Feel determined I headed for the water and got myself out further only for each time to catch a wave and get hauled under and back in! But my determination paid off as every time Scott saw me trying he would help me get out and catch a wave that was my size. After several cycles of trying to get out and Scott helping me I finally felt like something was sinking in. And several times in the last 15 minutes I started to be able to stand up to my knees – not the correct technique but I felt like I was getting somewhere. Then on the very last wave of the lesson and Scott’s help I managed to catch a wave and fully stand up!

The way the lesson was taught really helped me to learn, Scott was constantly in the water and happy to answer all the silly questions I had. He spent at least 10 – 15 minutes overall with each person helping them to catch and wave. This included the people who could surf and had already caught a few waves. He was a really friendly instructor and spent a good amount of time with everybody over the 3 hours we spent in the water.

Afterwards he said the conditions that day were horror conditions and we had all done very well – which made me feel like I had achieved something! I would really recommend the Lazy Lizard surf school in Agnes Water. You are taught by a surfer with over 20 years of experience and you really do get your money’s worth. If you are like me and keep putting it off, DON’T any longer! I had such a good time once I got in the water and started catching a few waves. But if I had of chosen a rubbish school where the instructor just stood on the shore I would never have stood up. Always check reviews of the surf school before you book the lesson.

Check Them Out Here!

Apologies – I didn’t take any photos on the water!

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