I have been to Reading Festival (UK) 3 times, Nass (UK), Hackney Weekend (UK) and Blissfest (USA).
Here are some do’s and don’ts I wish people told me before I went!
- DON’T over pack! – I did this for my first festival, it just meant I struggled to carry my bag and left half of the stuff behind when I came home, all you really need is some clothes, food, alcohol a tent and a sleeping bag.
- DON’T get really drunk in the middle of the day – Again something I did at my first festival, it meant I passed out and ended up missing all the good music that day and felt horrific for Sunday night riots.
- DO take some wellies – The only footwear I ever take, just the smallest bit of rain can turn the fields in to mud, plus I would never go in the toilets in flip flops YUCK!
- DO camp as near to the arena as possible – This means you can see the main stage, catch a bit of action from your tent and you have less distance to walk between the two.
- DO arrive early – If you want a good spot to camp in you need to have someone save you a space or arrive for gate opening time.
- DON’T waste all your money on alcohol in the arena – Buy booze from the local stores and drink before you go in the arena then work out when you have a break in good bands and go back to your tent and top up.
- DO bring a little cooker – The ones that run off tablets and are pretty small, you can heat all sorts on these saving you money on over priced food.
- DO take dry shampoo – A little bit of this every day and my hair is good for the whole weekend.
- DON’T take your favourite clothes – Yes it is a huge fashion show for girls, but seriously if it’s muddy they will never come clean again. Be practical with colours and what will keep you warm.
- DON’T bother with a handbag – It just gets in the way, stops you from jumping around and having as much fun. Just pop your phone and some money in your bra or wellies.
- DO buy a program – It will last all weekend (hopefully), you will be the most popular among your friends and you don’t risk missing your favourite band because you remembered the time wrong.
- DON’T crowd surf – Security will only haul you over the barrier and then you’re at the back of the crowd!
- DO try and get to the front – Nothing beats the feeling you get of being front row for your favourite band, it’s worth a go most people will let you push past.
- DON’T be scared of the ‘Last’ night riots – They are bit of drunken fun, join in and get silly.
- DO Take a camera – I always take a disposable its half the fun coming home and seeing the awful drunken pictures a week later.
- DON’T waste all your time at camp – You have paid good money to see the bands so go and see them, even if your friends don’t just make friends with people in the crowd. I did this once and got on a stranger’s shoulders to see Kings Of Leon.
- DO have fun and plan to meet your friends – Every year I have been to Reading festival I have always been part of a massive group of friends, for me this has always made it a lot more fun.