Backpacks and Bunkbeds – How I Personally Afford Travel
Neil has some great tips on this blog and his aren’t just about cutting back on everything to save for a big trip. He lives a 9-5 working life and travels in his holidays so knows the importance of a work/life/travel balance instead of becoming a hermit. Some of his tips include cutting down drinking (why would you want to buy a drink in a bar at home when you could be saving the money and enjoying an extra drink on holiday), entering competitions to win free stuff, living close to work to cut out commuting costs and using cash-back schemes, codes or vouchers. However my favourite one of his tips is to get a credit card that earns you air miles. Neil recommends one with Tesco so that food shop you have to spend money on is now earning you some air miles for further travel.
Backpacker Banter – How The Hell Do I Afford All This Travel
This is a very different post to the rest I’ve featured in this blog because Chris doesn’t really talk how to save but how to make money. He has used his skills, hobbies and interests to make some money for himself while travelling around. I think the most important advice Chris gives is to take courses which could lead to a job, for instance he did a surf instructor course and has now worked abroad teaching on three separate occasions. When it comes to money for travel it doesn’t all need to be about saving every penny before you leave!
World Of Wanderlust – How To Save Money For Travelling
Brooke gives a five step plan to saving money, from cutting down at home, asking for travel money/items as presents or cutting cost abroad. My favourite step of her plan however is the first and that’s planning a trip and having a goal. Now she certainly doesn’t mean booking the flights before she has saved a penny but I totally agree with her saving for a goal or plan of a trip is much easier than just saying you wanna save a bit of you wages each month. It draws your focus to a place instead of an idea.
The Daily Touch – Frances B – 5 Money Saving Tips You Don’t Want To Hear
Fran fives some short but sweet tips in this post she has written, some are obvious and things I already do like taking lunch and driving instead of drinking. However making a spreadsheet of all your outgoings is a great idea. This way you can see the bills and rent payments which cannot be avoided against those things you really shouldn’t have bought. If you have no idea where your money is going then writing it all down will certainly help you to figure it all out – maybe you can then work out which areas you can cut down on.
Turtles Travel – Ten Tips: How To Save Money To Travel The World
This blog is full of amazing tips for saving – the tips are very broad so would work for most situations in life where you want to save. My favourite of their tips is to have you wages paid in to your savings account then move what you need across to your current account – like money for rent, bills and food. The rest of your wages stays in your savings account then when you want to buy something you physically have to move the money making you question yourself on whether you REALLY need it. I will be trying this tip once I’m paid this month!
This Battered Suitcase – How To Save Money To Travel The World
This post by Brenna is brilliant, she not only talks tips but how she has earned her money personally and how saving for travel is a mix of cutting back and working bloody hard. Some of her tips I already do however I love the idea of having a mantra. Will I do this in ****? How much could I get in **** for the cost of this? Repeating this to yourself will help keep you focused and stop you from spending money you really don’t need to. Saving loose change is also a great idea for us Brits as she mentions.
And if you are looking to save a lot in a short amount of time check out this blog by Adventurous Kate – How I Saved $13,000 In Just Seven Months
This post is amazing – thank you so much! I am saving for travelling at the moment and I wrote a post on how I am cutting back (http://wp.me/p3SwKd-fI) but these are so helpful. They’ve shown me so many more ways I can make slight changes and save a fortune 🙂 I would much rather be buying beers in thailand than in blighty! haha xx
Money saving is admittedly a massive weakness, the only way I have been able to travel so much recently is by working every summer and paying off my interest-free student overdraft and then proceeding to use and abuse for travel. It’s unfortunately something I will have to learn to live without as I graduate in June so I’m going to have to get some better restraint and budget wisely (probably blowing my budget on food and clothes is not the best way to go about it)